Tomorrow morning marks one whole week since the launch of the Nintendo DS. The one question that has burned in my head every day since is "how long until it's hacked?" If you're like me you are anxiously working towards the ability to upload
code and take control of this very unique and impressive piece of
gaming hardware. One week may not seem like long but those who remember the early days of the Gameboy Advance homebrew scene will immediately recall the availability of a working emulator months prior to the system's release. So why is it so different now?
Well for one thing the early GBA homebrew scene was aided by leaks and a much simpler system architecture. The DS has had little if any leaks of consequence and its architecture is definitely more complex. But that's not all, its clear right from the get go that Nintendo has put more energy and more forethought into combating piracy (inadvertently thwarting homebrew) at the hardware level at least, and maybe even the software level. If you had homebrew development on your mind when you bought your DS, the first thing you probably noticed was the little logo on the bottom of the box (and the DS itself) that reads "RSA Secured". Joy!
So what does all this mean? Where is DS hombrew one week later? The short answer is that its doing better than anyone might have thought just 3 or 4 days ago. Darkain has announced over at gbadev's DSDev forum that he has intercepted a the complete Mario64 DS multiplayer ROM as it made its way from one DS to another via the system's wireless multi-boot. The best news? The ROM (targeted for the DS' ARM9 chip) is unencrypted!
There is a lot more detail to be considered with this latest milestone, and there are other tidbits that should be consumed in order to fully glean the direction of DS homebrew. Suffice it to say there are already several great resources online that have begun to signal news as it breaks. I will not try to replicate that, instead this site's DS coverage will be goaled towards providing a more thorough technical narrative on the latest breakthroughs and on the DS' hardware architecture in general. Anyone who has tried following the IRC channel, the forums and the numerous news sites will know that its not always easy to decipher the meaning and intent of everything out there. Hopefully you'll find this blog as a great resource for doing exactly that. Get ready for a fast paced week ahead. Week 2 should make Week 1 seem like time standing still.